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OOP Object Oriented Programming with C++

We will dive into understanding exactly what the terms ‘Abstraction’, ‘Encapsulation’, ‘Inheritance’, ‘Poly-morphism’, ‘Association’, ‘Aggregation’ and ‘Composition’ really mean.

Training Plan

Credit hours

48 hours

Lectures + Labs

48 classes


3 months


Weekdays Only


  • Polish your Object Oriented Programming concepts from beginning to advance.
  • This course is about ‘Object Oriented Programming’ (OOP). If you are new to OOP or are looking to brush up on your programming knowledge perhaps for an interview or just for fun! This course will quickly get you up to speed on the important concepts of OOP. 
  • We will start the course with a brief introduction. Then dive into understanding exactly what the terms ‘Abstraction’, ‘Encapsulation’, ‘Inheritance’, ‘Poly-morphism’, ‘Association’, ‘Aggregation’ and ‘Composition’ really mean. Next, we will take a look at these concepts in action with some simple examples. And how easy it can be to adopt a good programming style from the start.

Why Object Oriented Programming?

  • OOP has become a fundamental part of software development
  • An object-oriented programming is a way programming which enables programmers to think like they are working with real-life entities (a thing with distinct and independent existence) or objects.
  • In real-life, people have knowledge and can do various works. In OOP, objects have fields to store knowledge/state/data and can do various works — methods.

Who can take this training?

  • Individuals who are interested to learn OOP concepts and want to polish their OOP basics can take this training.

Outcome of Training

  • By the end of this OOP training, your OOP concepts will be polish and you will be able to code any OOP based language.

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